2023 Scoring, Weigh In and Radio Schedules


Billfish tagged 1000 points

Gamefish 10 points/kg (must be at least 6kg & 10kg Spanish Mackerel)

No sharks

All weighed fish must be a legal length and within possession limits to qualify All game fish presented at weigh-in must be gilled and gutted and in an edible condition.

Mutilated fish (caused by sharks, propellers, etc) will not qualify.

Daily score cards must be completed. Fish not entered on the card correctly will be ineligible to score.

In the event of a tie, the team achieving the winning score first shall be the winner.


Skeds will be called on VHF 81 and all radios must be in good working order on each vessel. All competing vessels must always remain contactable via radio or agreed alternative communication, by either Gamebase or another Vessel. Failure to maintain contact may result in team disqualification. A boat logging off from Gamebase for the day (even before cease fishing) will be deemed as no longer fishing with the tournament for that day and thereby no longer be eligible to score points for fish caught after doing so. (This does in no way mean a boat may not log on with Marine Rescue services for safety purposes.

All boats must acknowledge radio schedule calls supplying their score since the last scheduled position as per the map grid reference.

Scheduled calls will be at 10:00am, 1.05pm, 3.05pm. A ten-minute warning of ‘cease fishing’ will be given at the end of each day. Current hook-ups must be reported within this period.


Weigh-ins are at the end of each fishing day. All completed score cards must be in the hands of the weigh master by 1900 hours (according to the weigh master’s clock). No exceptions or time delays will be acceptable and if cards are handed after the final time, they will be ineligible.


Any protests must be submitted in writing to the tournament committee by 8.00pm on the day of the protest and no later than the close of weigh-in on the last day. The committee’s decision is final. No other form of protest shall be accepted.

Important: Ensure your daily capture cards are completed and returned to the weigh master with tag cards.

A Dispute Committee comprising members from a minimum of three clubs (where possible the tournament club and two other clubs should form any protest committee and if possible, the clubs forming the protest committee should not include a club that the protested or protestor are members of) will hear any protests provided they are submitted in writing in accordance with tournament rules for disputes.

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    Innisfail Game Fishing Club